Monday, August 22, 2011

The beginning...

We are not one of those granola-y families.
My son wears disposable diapers.
I don't think anything we eat is local... other than maybe the salt!
We use our swap cooler and a clothes dryer and commercial cleaners and... Well you get the picture. We are not your typical cool, trendy, going-green kind of family.

Except we kinda are.

More and more I'm hearing from my friends that they are trying to be more ecologically friendly, more organic and more budget conscious. These are ideals that everyone can get behind, regardless of how much of a hippy you are!

So this is the start. I will try to document our successes and our challenges while being as honest as I can. Because I don't care how local and healthy and amazing celery is- it still tastes like a weed dipped in dirt!

1 comment:

Fiametta da Trastevere said...

I'm with ya!
I have no intention of changing some things (yeah I won't do cloth diapers.. no way no how) but I can make some changes.. I'll do it if you do it!